Ep. 20 | Advocating for education.

Educating kids in regional and rural Australia requires policy makers to understand the different and specific needs of the children learning.

From maintaining teacher accommodation to internet accessibility, education can look very different in the country. And that's where the Isolated Children's Parents' Association (ICPA) comes in. 

Kimberley Wilson from Rutchillo Station is the current Julia Creek ICPA President, and a passionate advocate for education across the board.

When I caught up with Kimberley she was busy working on the upcoming ICPA State Conference, to be hosted in Julia Creek. 

We talked about education, wet season shenanigans, heading to boarding school in year one, volunteering, the importance of art and craft and living with loss.

Find out more about the ICPA.

Find out more about Julia Creek ICPA.


Ep. 21 | You don't ever retire from ICPA.


Ep. 19 | Starting from scratch.