Ep. 23 | Happy Birthday, Sedan Dip!

Sedan Dip celebrated 75 years in 2023, and it was another brilliant weekend.

Formed in 1948, Sedan Dip Sports and Recreation Club began a race meet. Campdrafting and rodeo was added in later years.

Racing has taken various forms over the years, with the excitement of sprint racing drawing a crowd these days. This year's Sedan Dip Cup was hotly contested.

Events like Sedan Dip don't just happen, it takes hours of hard work from the committee and a lot of forethought by previous committees to ensure continous improvement. 

Today we hear from Committee Member Luke Spreadborough and President Jake Webster.

You'll also hear from Tenneil Cody, whose family have strong country racing and Sedan Dip ties, and Shauna Royes, who was one of the first female jockeys and whose grandfather was a founding member of the concept.

Emmy Gallagher tells us what it's like to be a bush sprint jokey, and trainer Troy Gallagher relives winning three consecutive Sedan Dip Cups. 

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Ep. 24 | K.B.


Ep. 22 | Thank you, Julia Creek.