Ep. 24 | K.B.

The initials K.B. are synonymous with country racing in Queensland.

Keith Ballard has been riding for 55(ish) years, celebrating his 70th birthday on race day at Corfield.

He's had over 9,300 race day rides and has well over 1,700 wins. 

Keith Ballard is one of the most geniuine blokes you'll ever met, and North West Queensland is privileged to have had him as a leading rider for decades.  

After years of snippets of conversations with Keith on race day, it was great to be able to sit down and chat at length about his career as a jockey. 

More Than Mail is proudly brought to you by Brodie Agencies, McKinlay.

Contact Jim Brodie on 0427468713 or Lachy Smith on 0401168915. 


Ep. 25 | The Bastards.


Ep. 23 | Happy Birthday, Sedan Dip!