Ep. 26 | The Bookie.

A country race meet wouldn't be complete without a bustling bookie's ring. 

You'll find bookmaker Denis Comerford at every race meet in North West Queensland. No matter the crowd size or the weather, Mr Comerford rarely misses a meet.

Mr Comerford has seen huge changes in his time on course, from full manual recording and teams of five or more per bookmaker, to being at the forefront of introducing technology to the betting ring. 

The stories Mr Comerford recalls will give you a good chuckle.

More Than Mail is proudly brought to you by Brodie Agencies, McKinlay.

Contact Jim Brodie on 0427468713 or Lachy Smith on 0401168915. 


Ep. 27 | Comfort is key.


Ep. 25 | The Bastards.