Ep. 27 | Comfort is key.

Tash Ferrif moved from Sydney to North West Queensland to chase cows. She's living the dream.

Tash enjoys the North's social scene and attends local race meets across the district, where she noticed Fashions on the Field (FOTF).

A bit of a fashion lover, Tash decided to give FOTF a go. Despite the nerves, Tash enjoys jumping on the catwalk and has taken home a few wins. She might have even caught the fashions’ bug.

More Than Mail is proudly brought to you by Brodie Agencies, McKinlay.

Contact Jim Brodie on 0427468713 or Lachy Smith on 0401168915. 


Ep. 28 | It's All About the Sash.


Ep. 26 | The Bookie.